A Guide To Every Chore In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

2022-07-01 20:14:19 By : Ms. Eileen Bai

Generally, we don't buy video games to do chores. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is a glorious exception to that rule.

"We all must do our part," the Chore Master in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes says, evidently a believer that risking one's life, time and again, in a bloody war is no replacement for some good old-fashioned deep cleaning.

Related:Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes - How To Level Up Quickly

On the bright side, doing chores is an excellent way to improve Support Ranks and gain Renown. Both those things are well worth aiming for, so grab that broom and dustpan and get ready for a primer on successful chore-related endeavors in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.

Because you're a nice person.

Okay, fine, there are some tangible reasons as well. Committing Activity Points to performing chores for the Chore Master has three beneficial effects. First, it grants Support Rank points between the three units that participate. Since Shez is always one of those three, it's not only a great way to build your rank with two characters at once, but if applicable, to build their own ranks simultaneously.

Support Ranks matter because, in addition to fleshing out the cast into more intriguing people, you will also grow stronger when together on the battlefield and even unlock some specific rewards.

You'll also gain Renown. Renown is an important commodity, less so on initial Three Hopes playthroughs, but more so later on. On your first trip through the game's story, you can purchase stat-boosting items with permanent effects, making them a wonderful auxiliary venue for crunchy combat-related character growth. Later on, there will be other things to do with Renown, such as unlocking secret characters.

Last but not least, doing chores raises morale. Having an army with high morale for the big, chapter-ending battles can help to pin secondary opponents down or even defeat primary antagonists outright.

Related:Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes - Guide To Gaining Awards And Renown

You can falter and still earn some rewards from doing chores. It won't amount to much, but you can consider it a consolation prize for spending an Activity Point.

Of course, there's no sense in aiming for the bare minimum, so here are a few things to take into account when deciding who is going to get down and dusty with you. For one thing, what is their present Support Rank? If it's above C, you'll receive a bonus, boosting your chances of doing well.

Then again, if you're intentionally starting out fresh between units with the end goal of elevating Support Rank, look instead primarily to the in-game suggestions on which characters excel at a particular task. Everyone has something, so in this sense, choosing chores is a bit like doling out pairs of people to do their best and get to know each other better as a result.

WIll characters gain points toward various skills through chores? Absolutely. Once again, en elevated reason to spend time here. The better you do, the more your rewards, though Renown will typically remain static in payout as it's a low-number form of currency.

And that's the long and short of it. Select units who are recommended for a particular task. Ideally, have them know each other well through Support Ranks, and watch the good times roll. Unless one of them is Bernadetta. In which case, you're just going to have to take one for the team.Next:Birushana: Yoritomo Minamoto Route Guide

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