The Food Establishment Inspection Report is a weekly report that appears Sundays. Information is taken from reports provided by the Environmental Health Department, and individual reports can be viewed at its website, A numerical grading system is now being used, with a score of 100 points being equivalent to zero demerits.
100 points – No major violation at the time of inspection
85 points – Considered an average score
70 points or below – Requires re-inspection within 24 hours
COS – Corrected on site during inspection
These points correspond to the following letter grades:
The following establishments had a score of A/100 during a routine inspection:
Imperial LLC, 11230 S. Coulter St
La Fiesta Grande-Catering, 7415 S.W. 45th Ave. .
La Frontera-Catering, 1401 S. Arthur St.
Marybel Restaurant-Mobile, 1015 S. Arthur St.
Mudd Rack, 500 E. Hastings Ave.
The Pretzel Guy, 3208 S.E. 10th Ave.
Water Still Inc., 4712 Bell St.
The following establishments had a score of A/100 during a follow-up inspection:
Benjamin Donuts, 1800 S. Western St.
CBA Concession, 15012 28th St., Canyon.
Heritage Convalescent Center, 1009 Clyde St.
Homewood Suites By Hilton, 8800 W. I-40.
Treehouse Children’s Academy, 7701 S. Coulter St.
These establishments received the following scores for being out of compliance as stated:
(A/97) ABC Learning Center, 3510 Bowie St. Grease trap still needed. Correct by 07/14.
(A/99) BC Studio & Nutrition, 4205 Ridgecrest Circle. Ceiling tiles in restroom must be smooth, durable, easily cleanable and non-absorbent. Correct by 09/12.
(A/90) Best Western, 2801 4th Ave., Canyon. Phone on food prep surface by microwaves. COS. Certified Food Manager must be on site during all hours of food prep/service (repeat violation); food handler certification needed; allergen advisory must be posted in view of consumers; pallet/crate used to hold boxes of fresh fruit below prep table must be sealed to be non-absorbent. Correct by 06/20. Heavy accumulation of food debris on spouts of juice and other drink machines. Correct by 09/08.
(B/88) Bracero's Bar & Grill, 2822 S.W. 6th Ave. No sanitizer in prep areas. Correct by 06/12. Cutting board heavily scored and needs to be sanded or replaced; sponges cannot be used to clean dishes or other food contact surfaces; exposed wood in bar area must be painted or repaired. Correct by 06/19. Flies in food prep area; back door open; gaps at bottom of screen door must be sealed; wet wiping cloths must be stored in sanitizer solution between uses; several items stored uncovered, including chips; items stacked wet in dish area; vent hood filters heavily soiled; walk-in cooler condenser soiled with dust and missing a cover; three-compartment sink being leveled with a piece of wood; sign needed at hand sink indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 09/07.
(A/99) Brantley Shaved Ice at Coulter Gardens, 4200 S. Coulter St. Food establishment permit number must be on each side of mobile unit. Correct by 09/07.
(B/87) Brookdale Senior Living, 7404 Wallace Blvd. No sanitizer in food prep area (repeat violation). Correct by 06/13. A Certified Food Manager must be on site during all hours of food prep/service; food handler certification needed; hand sinks must not be used for purposes other than hand washing; a second hand sink in kitchen has standing water and needs to be repaired. Correct by 06/20. Employee personal items must be stored in a designated area; all scoops in food service areas had handles touching food items; spills in dry storage area and walk-in cooler; juice machine soiled on underside; light bulbs burned out in both vent hood systems. Correct by 09/08.
(A/92) Burger King, 1301 23rd St., Canyon. Stored kitchenware wet and heavy accumulation of food debris; food on slicers stored on clean holding racks; heavy accumulation of food debris on vending and tea spouts. Correct by 06/13. Large gap at back door must be sealed; heavy accumulation of food and other debris on oven under vent hood; dirt and debris in cup dispensers and containers holding lids; nonfood contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; heavy accumulation of food and grease in areas around fryers and hot hold units; vent hood filter over fryers must be put back in place before operating fryers; bricks missing from ledge by back door allowing opening into wall space. Correct by 09/08.
(A/92) Burger King #4796, 4210 W. I-40. Clean dishes stored in dirty containers; dishes stacked wet. COS. Back drive through window open; gaps at back door must be sealed; personal items must be stored in a designated area; soda machine in drive through area heavily soiled with old syrup; excess frozen condensation in walk-in freezer. Correct by 09/12.
(A/90) Burrito Stop, 114 S.E. 9th Ave. Chemical sanitizer too strong in kitchen area. COS. Bleach test strips needed. Correct by 06/23. Gaps at back screen door must be repaired; wet wiping cloths on counter tops; uncovered food in coolers; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; leak in walk-in must be repaired; holes in walls must be repaired to be smooth, durable and non-absorbent. Correct by 09-11.
(A/93) Canyon Ranch, 410 15th St., Canyon. An advisory for consuming undercooked meats must be on menu or displayed easily visible to public; allergen advisory must be posted in view of public; ready-toeat/TCS (temperature/time controlled for safety) food must be date marked. Correct by 06/24. Uncovered food in coolers; food particles on clean, stacked plates; food debris in steak indicator holders under prep table; food debris in container holding salt, pepper, sugar in wait station; steam table pans stacked wet; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 09/12.
(A/96) Chick-Fil-A at Georgia Street, 2525 S. Georgia St. No paper towels at hand sink; single-use straws stored next to hand sink, under paper towel dispenser; shelves in walk-in need to be cleaned; shelves holding cleaned dishes need to be cleaned and sanitized; food debris on handles on all coolers. COS.
(A/94) Courtyard Amarillo West Medical Center, 8006 W. I-40. No paper towels at hand sink. COS. Purse and cell phone stored in kitchen area; coffee stir sticks must be individually wrapped or in a dispenser; handles to reach-ins are sticky and dirty; light bulb burned out in vent hood system. Correct by 09/07.
(A/90) Days Inn Medical Center, 2102 S. Coulter St. Chemicals stored on shelves with and above food. Correct by 06/12. Certified Food manager must be on site during all hours of food prep/service; food handler certification needed; sponges cannot be used to clean dishes (repeat violation). Correct by 06/19. Sign needed at hand sink indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 09/07
(A/97) Dollar General #6422, 7125 Bell St. Back door must be sealed; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; bathroom ceiling tiles must be changed to be non-absorbent; bathroom walls must be tiled or covered with a nonabsorbent material, a minimum height of four feet, encircling entire perimeter of both restrooms. Correct by 09/07.
(A/99) Edes Custom Meats, 6700 W. McCormick Road. Ice build-up from condenser units on food in boxes in freezer; food in freezers must be stored at least six inches off the floor. Correct by 09/07.
(A/99) Exceptional Health Care Amarillo, 2101 S. Coulter St. Hand wash signs need to be placed at both hand sinks; soap dispenser need to be hung at hand sink in dish room. Correct by 09/08.
(A/91) Fat Boys BBQ, 103 N. 23rd St. Canyon. Water and food particles on blades of onion dicer; water from washing potatoes must not be dumped outside back door. COS. Brocken, cracked or chipped clear plastic food containers must be replaced; wet cloths near lobby prep area; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; heavy accumulation on floors in storage area and must be cleaned and sealed to provide a non-absorbent surface; current Certified Food Manager certificates must be posted in view of public. Correct by 09/07.
(A/95) Fifth Season Inn, 6801 W. I-40. Forks and spoons must have handles facing same direction to avoid contamination to food contact side. COS. Certified Food Manager must be on site during all hours of food prep/service. Correct by 08/01. Bottom of refrigerator dirty and plastic wrap holding food debris; current establishment permit must be posted in view of public. Correct by 09/08.
(B/82) Holiday Inn Express, 2901 4th Ave., Canyon. Sausage patties in hot hold at improper temperature; open gravy stored in metal can with no lid and wrapped in cellophane not date marked. COS. A Certified Food Manager certificate must be posted in view of public; food handler certification needed; sign advising consumers to obtain clean tableware each time they visit breakfast bar must be posted in visible location; allergen advisory must be posted in view of public; ready-to-eat/TCS foods must be date marked; sanitizer test strips needed; opened, unused foods must be stored in food grade, sealable containers; covered trash receptacle needed in women’s restroom. Correct by 09/11.
(A/98) Hood Eats, 2035 Paramount Blvd. Door propped open must remain closed or have a screen; establishment permit and scorecard must be posted in view of public. Correct by 09/08.
(B/87) House Divided, 7609 Hillside Road. Mushrooms and onions in hot holding unit at improper temperature; dried food debris on top of clean plates on line. COS. Several items out of temperature in different coolers; fried okra and fries stored at room temperature next to fryers. Correct by 06/16. To-go cups used as scoops in several food items; dust accumulating on ceiling and walls near vents; vent hood dripping grease on fire suppression system plumbing and throughout the entire hood over flat grill; sign needed in men’s restroom stating that employees must wash hands before returning to work; household refrigerator in kitchen must be replaced with commercial unit or not used for anything other than employee personal use. Correct by 09/11.
(A/95) La Chilanguita, 1300 S. Grand St. A Refrigeration Storage Chart has been provided and must be posted in mobile unit. Correct by 06/17. Chlorine test strips needed. Correct by 06/24.
(B/89) La Fiesta Grande, 7415 S.W. 45th Ave. Debris on several clean plates on expo line; concentration too weak in quaternary sanitizer buckets in kitchen; hand soap dispenser needed batteries replaced (repeat violation); no paper towels at dispenser at hand sink near dish pit (repeat violation); spilled syrup or liquor inside cooler at bar (repeat violation); several ROP (reduced oxygen packaged) fish thawed out still in package. COS. Dishwashing machine not dispensing sanitizer. Correct by 06/12.Utensils stored in bin with food debris; whisk stored on top of unused oven; ice machine accumulating mold inside unit on top side; mold accumulating on bar soda gun; vent hood dripping grease over grills and fryer (repeat violation); trash can in employee restroom over-stuffed causing trash to fall onto floor; hole in wall in employee restroom behind toilet (repeat violation). Correct by 09/07.
(A/96) La Frontera, 1401 S. Arthur St. Iced tea needs to be covered. COS. Back screen doors need to be sealed; ice bins must be stored up-side down; scoop handle touching flour; sign needed at hand sink indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 09/12.
(A/97) Marybel Restaurant, 1015 S. Arthur St. Gap at back door must be sealed; scoop handle touching flour; microwave dirty. Correct by 09/12.
(B/85) Pak A Sak #1, 2800 4th Ave., Canyon. Vending and coffee spouts must be cleaned and sanitized. Correct by 06/16. Certified Food Manager certificates must be posted in view of public; reach-in refrigerator in food prep/food storage area leaking water and ice onto products; all cold hold coolers/freezers/refrigerators must have thermometers separate from unit thermometer to verify internal temperature of unit; hand sink in food/kitchen food prep area has been removed for construction (no food can be prepared in establishment until a hand sink is reinstalled and approved); mop/service sink has been removed for construction. Correct by 06/23. Bottom of door in food prep/storage area on north wall must be sealed; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 09/11.
(A/98) Pak A Sak #17, 7404 S.W. 45th Ave. Several items out of date. COS.
(A/90) Rain Premier Sushi Bar & Lounge, 817 S. Polk St. Correct procedure not used for testing sushi rice; dishes in hand sink. Correct by 06/20. Large gaps at back door must be sealed; employee items must be stored in a designated area; all employee drinks must have a lid and straw; several wet wiping cloths on counter tops; cooling racks stored with top rack exposed to ceiling; cup used as scoop for rice; sign needed at hand sink indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 09/08.
(A/93) Red River Steakhouse, 4332 S.W. 45th Ave. Lemons dumped in hand sink; employee eating in kitchen. COS. Chemical spray bottles not labeled. Correct by 06/12. All coolers need to be deep cleaned. Correct by 09/07.
(B/85) Sayakomarn's, 421 16th St., Canyon. Food debris on meat slicer in back kitchen prep area. COS. Allergen advisory must be posted in view of public; food thermometer needed in kitchen to verify internal temperature of food. Correct by 06/19. Dry rags on floor between shelving by dry bulk containers; food must be stored in food grade containers only; bowls and cups with no handles must not be used for dispensing food from dry-bulk items; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; vent hoods and filters must be cleaned; dust and dirt accumulation around heating, ventilating and air conditioning system vents; lighting must be repaired over prep area at back of kitchen; nonabsorbent ceiling tiles must be installed in employee restroom in kitchen area and wall covering installed four feet in height that encircles perimeter of restroom; bare concrete floors in kitchen prep area must be re-sealed; water damaged ceiling tiles in wait area must be replaced after leaks from roof have been repaired; covered trash receptacle needed in women’s restroom; Certified Food Manager certificate must be posted in view of public. Correct by 09/07.
(A/91) Six Car Pub & Brewery, 625 S. Polk St. Lysol and wipes on service line with food items and condiments; vegetable slicer dirty; ice bins must be stored up-side down. COS. Employees must eat in a designated area and personal items stored separately; several items in walk-in cooler and throughout establishment stored on the floor; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 09/07.
(A/97) Southwest Pool Concession, 4800 Bell St. Hand sink blocked by boxes. Correct by 06/20. Door is rusting along bottom, leaving gaps and must be repaired or replaced. Correct by 09/08.
(A/96) Sunday’s Kitchen, 112 S.W. 6th Ave. Gaps at back door must be sealed; shrimp thawing improperly; cup handle touching flour; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 09/07.
(A/98) Sweets and Meats, 3300 S. Coulter St. A Certified Food Manager must be on site during all hours of food prep/service. Correct by 06/19.
(B/87) Texas Steak Express, 2600 S. Kentucky St. Single serve gravies, in drawer below baked potatoes, at improper temperature; no sanitizer for food contact surfaces in kitchen; meat tongs at grill heavily soiled and stored in a dirty compartment on the grill; unlabeled chemical spray bottle by grill. Correct by 06/17. No paper towels at hand sink next to walk-in freezer and in bathroom. Correct by 06/24. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; intake and exhaust air ducts must be cleaned and filters changed. Correct by 09.12.
(A/97) The Water Tree Amarillo, Inc., 1900 Bell St. Iced tea in coolers without dates. Correct by 06/24. Sign needed at hand sink in back room indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 09/22.
(B/89) Toot ‘n Totum #125, 311 23rd St., Canyon. Wiping cloths must be stored in sanitizer solution between uses. COS. Vending and tea spouts must be cleaned and sanitized. Correct by 06/13. Certified Food Manager certificate not posted and no record of certificate on site; food thermometer not working; thermometers must be placed at warmest part of coolers and reach-in coolers. Correct by 06/20. Coffee stirrers must be individually wrapped or in a dispenser; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; covered receptacle needed in women’s restroom. Correct by 09/08.
(A/99) Watley Learning Center, 1208 NN.W. 14th Ave. Top of appliances and shelving in pantry need to be cleaned. Correct by 09/11.
(A/90) Wendy’s #3391, 407 23rd St., Canyon. Chili in back prep area not date marked; no sanitizer in kitchen prep and wait areas. COS. All areas around vending spouts must be cleaned and sanitized. Correct by 06/16. Sign needed at hand sink indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 06/23. Food must be covered between uses; dressings, sauces, bacon and other items uncovered in walk-in cooler; areas under vending, frosty, ice machines and dispensers must be cleaned. Correct by 09/11.
(A/94) Wendy’s #5393, 7236 S.W. 34th Ave. No sanitizer bucket prepared; box of chicken nuggets stored on floor in front of fryer; mold beginning to grow in ice machine. COS. Grease spilled near waste receptacle must be cleaned. Correct by 06/17.
(A/96) Wienerschnitzel, 2801 S. Western St. Mold inside ice machine. Correct by 06/24.Multiple food items without lids; reach-in coolers need to be cleaned and sanitized; mold and calcium build-up around faucet at hand sink. Correct by 09/12.