How to clean your toilet perfectly without bleach | Daily Mail Online

2022-07-01 20:22:38 By : Ms. Wendy Wang

By Amelia Roach For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 20:45 EDT, 1 May 2022 | Updated: 20:49 EDT, 1 May 2022

A mum-of-four has revealed how to thoroughly clean her toilet without harsh bleach that can damage the ceramic coating. 

Interior designer Ashlee Durand, from Victoria, cleaned her toilet bowl with a combination of store-bought products and a homemade mix and began the deep clean by applying The Pink Stuff bleach-free cleaner.

She then added bicarb soda into the base and poured white vinegar directly on top until bubbles formed. 

A mum-of-four has revealed how to thoroughly clean her toilet without harsh bleach that can damage the ceramic coating 

The mum scrubbed the bowl thoroughly with a toilet brush then flushed it. 

Once the bowl was clean she placed the toilet brush beneath the lid while she cleaned it with boiling water to remove germs. 

Ashlee sprayed the brush and toilet with a surface sanitiser to disinfect the area and finished the clean with a complete wipe down to reveal a spotless surface. 

She then added bicarb soda into the base of the toilet and poured white vinegar directly on top until bubbles formed, she also cleaner her toilet brush with boiling water to sanitise it

For a final touch she stocked up the toilet paper and added a simple seal with her bathroom tap to create a hotel-style look. 

The interior designer posted her cleaning method to Instagram where it received hundreds of likes and many comments from impressed followers. 

'How good is The Pink Stuff for cleaning the toilet,' one wrote. 

For a final touch she stocked up the toilet paper and added a simple seal with her bathroom tap to create a hotel-style look

'Thanks for the motivation! Gonna go clean my toilet now. Definitely trying that bicarb and vinegar trick,' another wrote. 

'Sparkling clean! Looks so good! Can you come clean mine,' a third wrote. 

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