Food establishment inspection report for 7-17-22

2022-07-22 20:07:23 By : Mr. Denny Wood

The Food Establishment Inspection Report is a weekly report that appears Sundays. Information is taken from reports provided by the Environmental Health Department, and individual reports can be viewed at its website, A numerical grading system is now being used, with a score of 100 points being equivalent to zero demerits.

∙ 100 points – No major violation at the time of inspection

∙ 85 points – Considered an average score

∙ 70 points or below – Requires re-inspection within 24 hours

∙ COS – Corrected on site during inspection

These points correspond to the following letter grades:

The following establishments had a score of A/100 during a routine inspection:

∙ City Kid Outreach Ministries, 205 S. Polk St.

∙ Dream Entertainment Center, 2650 Dumas Drive #128.

∙ Dreams Snacks & More, 2650 Dumas Drive #138.

∙ Marble Slab Creamery-Catering, 201 Westgate Parkway.

∙ Travel Centers of America, 7000 E. I-40.

∙ West Plains High School-Auditorium, 10576 Arden Road.

∙ West Plains High School-Field House, 10576 Arden Road.

∙ West Plains High School-Tennis/Baseball, 10576 Arden Road.

The following establishments had a score of A/100 during a follow-up inspection:

∙ Brookdale Senior Living, 7404 Wallace Blvd.

∙ Giovanni’s Pizzeria, 5807 S.W. 45th Ave.

∙ J’s Bar & Grill-Catering, 3130 S. Soncy Road, Suite 100.

∙ Waffle House #534, 2110 S. Coulter St.

These establishments received the following scores for being out of compliance as stated:

∙ (B/87) Bahama Bucks, 1921 S. Western St. All food-contact surfaces must be clean to sight and touch. Correct by 07/17. Sanitizer test strips needed at three-compartment sink (repeat violation); damaged gasket on reach-in cooler must be repaired or replaced; sponges must not be used on food-contact surfaces; three-compartment sink used for storage; no sanitizer for sanitizer sink. Correct by 07/24. Light fixture above drive-thru window heavily soiled with insects; pooling water from reach-in must be removed; floors heavily soiled and very sticky; damage to decoration by counter line must be repaired and kept clean; leak in reach-in cooler must be repaired. Correct by 10/12. 

∙ (A/99) Blue Crane Bakery, 3223 S.W. 6th Ave. Accumulation of dust on vents and debris in bottoms of coolers. Correct by 10/10.

∙ (A/98) Broken Spoke, 3101 S.W. 6th Ave. Door must be sealed to prevent pests entering; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 10/11.

∙ (A/90) Buns Over Texas, 6045 S.W. 34th Ave. Molded strawberries and blueberries in fridge; chlorine sanitizer at improper concentration; bowls stacked wet; dispensing utensils must have handles above top of food and container; food in drain of hand sink in Texas Tea; sack of sugar stored on floor in Texas Tea. COS. Ice cream scoop cleaned in hand sink. Correct by 07/22.

∙ (A/91) Burger King, 7000 E. I-40. Carton of liquid eggs left out not properly cooled. COS. Food debris in bottom of equipment holding frozen foods; employee did not wash hands before putting on gloves. Correct by 07/15.

∙ (A/96) Burger King #13483, 4900 S. Coulter St. Food handler certification needed. Correct by 08/14. Back door must be kept closed and sealed (repeat violation); sugar or salt bucket not labeled. Correct by 10/11.

∙ (A/95) Butterlove Biscuits, 3440 Bell St. Employees were not wearing hair restraints. COS. Chlorine sanitizing solution at improper concentration at dishwasher and sink. Correct by 07/19. Tea dispensers must be taken apart and cleaned daily. Correct by 10/11.

∙ (A/97) Candlewood Suites, 18 Western Plaza Drive. Employee personal items and food must be stored in a designated area; straws must be individually wrapped or in a dispenser; variance needs to be submitted for grease trap. Correct by 10/09.

∙ (A/90) Chili’s Grill & Bar, 3810 W. I-40. Three gallons of milk in bar walk-in out of date. COS. Establishment must have in-ground grease trap pumped. Correct by 07/16. Cutting boards heavily scored and must be sanded or replaced (repeat violation). Correct by 07/23. Iced tea must be kept covered; items stacked wet (repeat violation); nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 10/11.

∙ (A/94) Cinergy, 9201 Cinergy Square. Chocolate syrup not refrigerated. COS. Pickle jar not labeled. Correct by 07/24. Jigger stored in stagnate room temperature water. Correct by 10/12.

∙ (B/84) Crush, 627 S. Polk St. Two coolers out of temperature; one hot hold unit out of temperature; rice cooling on rack found at room temperature. Correct by 07/14. Wood and wood wicker may not be used as a food-contact surface (repeat violation). Correct by 07/21. All stored food must be covered (repeat violation); single-use cups must not be stored inside bulk food bins (repeat violation); straws and stirrers on bar must be individually wrapped or in a dispenser; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris (repeat violation); more lighting needed in service area and in vent hood system (repeat violation). Correct by 10/09.

∙ (A/94) Curtis Flemming Learning Center, 3001 Wolflin Ave. Items must be refrigerated after opening if label specifies; sanitizer at improper concentration. COS.

∙ (C/76) Donut Stop, 1602 S. Grand St. No sanitizer prepared. Correct by 07/12. No hand washing observed during entire inspection; grease trap manifest not available. Correct by 07/17. Top to grease trap open. Correct by 07/18. Person in charge did not demonstrate knowledge of food-borne disease prevention, application of the HACCP principles and requirements of this rule; food handler certification needed (repeat violation); dishes in hand sink in food prep area; debris in hand sink drain; cardboard must not be used on the floor; vent hood must be repaired. Correct by 07/24. Wet wiping cloths must be stored in sanitizer solution between uses; donut rack directly under air vent with dust and top rack of donuts not protected; bucket of filling stored on floor and in direct contact with a mop; scoop handle in flour touching product; heating and air conditioning vents soiled with dust; no soap in employee restroom. Correct by 10/12.

∙ (A/99) Dos Coronas la Reyna de las Cheladas, 1008 N. Fillmore St. Weather strip needs to be replaced on back door. Correct by 10/06.

∙ (A/98) Fillmore’s Bar & Grill, 1005 N. Fillmore St. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris; vents in restroom must be repaired or replaced. Correct by 10/09.

∙ (B/88) Macaroni Joe’s, 1619 S. Kentucky St., Space 1500. Meat pans stored on floor in walk-in; silverware and utensils stored in dirty containers. Correct by 07/17. Cutting board heavily scored and must be sanded or replaced; employee personal items and food must be stored in a designated area; wet wiping clothes must be stored in sanitizer solution between uses; all stored food must be covered; frozen food thawing improperly. Correct by 10/12.

∙ (A/95) Marble Slab Creamery, 201 Westgate W. Parkway. Eggs stored in cooler above ready-to-eat food. Correct by 07/16. Employees preparing ice cream did not wear hair restraints; food debris in coolers and freezers (repeat violation). Correct by 10/11.

∙ (A/91) McDonald’s, 4402 Teckla Blvd. Dishwasher sanitizer out and needs to be changed; sanitizer too strong at three-compartment sink. Correct by 07/14. Paper towel dispenser not working. Correct by 07/21. Air gap needed under three-compartment sink. Correct by 08/14. Sewage smell in establishment must be evaluated and repaired. Correct by 10/09.

∙ (B/82) My Thai Restaurant, 2029 S. Coulter St. Sanitizer for wet wiping cloths not strong enough. COS. Cold hold table and cooler on far table are out and need to be reset or repaired. Correct by 07/15. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) logs must be provided for cooling and cold holding refrigeration; cutting boards heavily scored and must be sanded or replaced. Correct by 07/22. Screen doors must be sealed; several food items stored without lids; scoop handle touching product in bulk bins; food stored in containers must be identified with common name of food; nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment must be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 10/10.

∙ (A/99) Party City #1113, 3339 Bell St. Missing ceiling tile must be replaced. Correct by 10/06

∙ (A/96) Pizza Hut, 7000 E. I-40. Food out of date. Correct by 07/15. Dirty vents must be cleaned. Correct by 10/10.

∙ (A/98) Popeye’s, 7000 E. I-40. Several flies in kitchen area; utensil used for raw chicken must be cleaned and sanitized during periods when not in use. Correct by 1010.

∙ (B/89) Rise N Shine Donuts, 5901 S. Coulter St. Kolaches in warmer at improper temperature; raw chorizo stored in cooler on shelf with and above ready-to-eat food; employees touched donuts with bare hands; icing buckets and potatoes stored on ground. COS. Kolaches stored uncovered in freezer; soda machine nozzles and diffuser accumulating mold and residue from syrup. Correct by 10/06.

∙ (A/98) Soda Jerks Beverage Co. #2, 7148 Bell St. Exposed wood must be sealed; wastewater outlet and potable water inlet must be labeled. Correct by 10/12.  

∙ (A/93) Subway #41717, 6000 S. Western St. Clean squeeze bottles stored in hand sink in dishwashing area. COS. Food handler certification needed. Correct by 08/15. Back door open; hole in back door must be sealed and door must be self-closing; mold on drain board of soda machine by drive-thru window; food build-up and dirty boxes under front prep window (repeat violation). Correct by 10/12.

∙ (A/98) Taco Bell #35898, 6256 Hollywood Road. Bottom side of freeze machine dirty and accumulating mold (repeat violation); cardboard boxes and other trash with food debris behind recycle receptacle; grease receptacle lid must remain closed. Correct by 10/12.

∙ (A/97) The Acai Bar, 7306 S.W. 34th Ave. Some brownies and cookies with wrong labeling. Correct by 07/24. Employee personal items and food must be stored in a designated area. Correct by 10/12. 

∙ (A/95) Wonderland Park-Cotton Candy & Drink Stand, 2601 Dumas Drive. Food handler certification needed; saved popcorn must be date marked. Correct by 07/18. Gaps at back door must be sealed. Correct by 10/06.

∙ (A/95) Wonderland Park-Dip N Dots, 2601 Dumas Drive. Food handler certification needed; handwashing and drying provisions must be provided at all times. Correct by 07/18. Ice cream scoops must be cleaned at least every 24 hours. Correct by 10/06.

∙ (A/97) Wonderland Park-Funnel Cake, 2601 Dumas Drive. Food handler certification needed. Correct by 07/18. Lid to ice machine dirty; soda machine dirty inside and out; powdered sugar shaker and other food containers must be cleaned every 24 hours. Correct by 10/06.

∙ (A/93) Wonderland Park-Main Concession Stand, 2601 Dumas Drive. Food handler certification needed; frozen products out of date. Correct by 07/18. Gaps at doors must be sealed; walls dirty with food product; sign needed at hand sink indicating for hand washing only. Correct by 10/06.

∙ (A/95) Wonderland Park-North Mobile Unit, 2601 Dumas Drive. Food handler certification needed; soda box stored in hand sink. Correct by 07/18. Debris inside freezer. Correct by 10/06.

∙ (A/94) Wonderland Park-South Concession Stand, 2601 Dumas Drive. Food handler certification needed; handwashing and drying provisions must be provided at all times; toilet paper dispensers must be installed where needed; cotton candy machine spinner dirty. Correct by 07/18.