By Lauren Ingram For Daily Mail Australia
Published: 22:17 EDT, 28 July 2016 | Updated: 02:01 EDT, 29 July 2016
According to experts, you may not be cleaning your home often enough.
Good Housekeeping has created a comprehensive guide detailing exactly when you should clean everything in your house, and some of them might surprise you.
You're probably not, for example, wiping down your shower screen every day, or cleaning out your fridge once a week, despite the fact that you should be.
How often should you clean? Experts say that you should make your bed, wipe down your shower walls and sweep the kitchen floors once a day
According to the experts, you should be making your bed and cleaning your dirty dishes every day. Not much of a surprise there- pretty much everyone does that.
Other things you should do daily include wiping down kitchen surfaces and tables, sweep your floors and do your laundry. While some people do these daily, we'd bet most houses can go a couple of days between doing these chores without any major upheaval.
What is surprising is some of the other advice, like for example that you should be wiping down bathroom surfaces, using a squeegee on your shower walls and santising your bathroom and kitchen sinks every day.
Frequent: You should be vacuuming, changing your bedding, and cleaning your microwave once a week
Again, some of the once-a-week chores are probably common sense in most houses. Most people would vacuum their floors once a week, but maybe not vacuum their furniture that often (as is recommended).
Many people too proabably go longer than one week between cleaning out their fridge or wiping down their kitchen appliances, as the experts at Good Housekeeping say you should.
Changing bedding once a week and mopping the floors is pretty commonplace, and will help your home feel fresh. But how many people actually thoroughly clean the inside of their microwave every week? We would guess not many.
Fresh and light: Cleaning mirrors and windows should be done once a week as well
It's generally believed that once a month you should have a 'big' clean of your house-or at least that's the advice I got from my mum. Good Housekeeping says that some of the things you should do once a month include vaccuming your vents and woodwork and dust and clean all your light fixtures.
You should also, apparently, clean your dishwasher, vacuum and washing machine once a month, something many people probably forget.
Working away: Experts says to dust your light fixtures and blinds once a month
This is where the list starts to get tricky. I'm sure that some people go years without washing their pillows or doona, but you should go a maximum of six months between sticking them in the washing machine according to Good Housekeeping.
The experts also say that you should clean your deck and outdoor furniture every three to six months, as well as under and behind indoor furniture.
Other things you probably aren't doing that frequently include cleaning out your freezer, cleaning inside your fridge, or cleaning your oven. Same goes for washing your shower curtain and vacuuming your mattress.
However the suggestion you should clean your bins at least every three to six months is probably a good one- they can get very stinky every easily.
Get help from the kids: You should wash your car, clean inside your oven and vacuum your mattress every three to six months
Since you've been doing so much constant cleaning, there actually isn't too much that the experts suggest need to be done once a year.
If you've got one, you should be cleaning your fireplace and chimney once a year. The same applied for if you're in a freestanding house and have gutters.
But everyone should be cleaning their carpet and deep cleaning their windows once a year, as well as washing their curtains.
Roaring fire: If you have one, you should be cleaning your fireplace and chimney once a year
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